The Visit – Through Darkness Into Light

Shiver-inducing.  If that isn’t a qualifier of “metal” status then what is? Through Darkness Into Light is a release of goosebumpy highs and deep rumbling lows from The Visit, Ottawa duo Raphael Weinroth Browne (cello) and Heather Sita Black (voice).

Listening to the album repeatedly lends newfound appreciation of the emotional wallop packed into this seemingly simple combination.  Heather’s voice, soaring at times and sweet, and oh so sotto voce at others, is a captivating pairing with Raphael’s cello singing back.  At five beautiful tracks, this album can easily become a go-to for a dreamy, dramatic atmosphere like no other.  Go ahead and try not to headbang through “Cast Off the Veil,” followed by slowly swaying along moments later.

Very purely put together, occasionally it’s easy to forget there’s only two people creating this grand sound.  I love that about good duos, really… plainly some of my favourite acts recently have been duos and perhaps there is a reason for this.  It seems that with an effectively pared down composition, you can maximize the aforementioned, ah, wallop.  Truly an album that transcends, beyond any subtle wordplays I could possibly muster; listening to it lends a feeling of contentment.

For more info/ or to purchase Through Darkness Into Light:

Find them on:

YouTube | The Visit on Facebook

Bandcamp | The Visit on Twitter

Front cover photo by Alexandra (Shankari) Euteneier. 


Contributor of photos and plenty of rambling - also on Instagram & Youtube @riffsdontlie