Radio Free Universe – Casa Del Diablo

Firstly, kudos to the splendidly named Radio Free Universe (inspired by World War 2’s ‘Radio Free Europe’) for their commitment to the physical format of music, this is one excellently designed CD.

In a fair world, Radio Free Universe would be the next Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam or Soundgarden, not because they sound like those bands (though they share similar positive points) but because they’re so good! This is a beautifully written, performed and produced record (courtesy of the great Glen Robinson, who did sterling work with the legendary Voivod!).

I truly believe singer George Panagopoulos when he says: “We try everything and it just becomes clear what the song wants. When you do that the song makes up a world unto itself. Honestly, the universe provides! It just happens. We’re happy people who love playing together. It’s easy! Everyone pitches in, that’s what makes this special. The song writes itself. That’s a very important thing to understand what makes this band special. We love great rock music. We all got into this loving that.”

I couldn’t have put it better, a special band indeed and one that deserves a huge audience.

(Jetpack Records)

Steve Earles is author and co-author of numerous projects, including To End All Wars: The WWI Graphic Anthology, available summer 2014 (