Harangue CD release show Friday, June 27th @ The Garrison, Toronto

HARANGUE CD release show
Friday June 27th
The Garrison, Toronto

By the Strength of the Mighty Atlas, the new full-length from Toronto hardcore outfit HARANGUE, got a release show worthy of its name at the Garrison.

The opening act Signifier kicked off a solid night of wholly energetic aggression. While their sound is undeniably that of a hardcore band, they had me as they hit the sweet spot between hardcore and death metal.


Sometimes the greatest feeling is when you end up at a show where you haven’t heard any of the band’s material at all, and just let their live performance speak for itself. On this particular night, I was invited to take photos of the band and had no qualms about showing up just to shoot; you can imagine how pleased I was to see the familiar faces of NJ Borreta (HAMMERHANDS) and Lance Marwood (PRETTY MOUTH) ready to join Harangue’s Michael Kopko for some guest vocals. An intense, unpredictable and thoroughly entertaining set on all fronts:

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Contributor of photos and plenty of rambling - also on Instagram & Youtube @riffsdontlie